Burlington High School Music Boosters Association
the comings and goings of music and the performing arts at Burlington High School. Contact: PO Box 1052, Burlington MA 01803; bhsmusicboostersassn@gmail.com
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Monday, September 15, 2014
Music Education in Burlington will soar to new heights at
the end of September when the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, a mobile
ambassador for music education, and the SupportMusic Community Forum roll into town for a two-day residency
sponsored by the NAMM Foundation.

The live webcast will include interviews, a panel discussion
and an opportunity to hear performances by students from every level of
Burlington Public Schools. In addition to Burlington music educators, panelists
include Peter Cokkinias (professor of music education at Berklee College of
Music), Patrick Larkin (Assistant Superintendent at Burlington Public Schools),
Christine Monaco (Burlington School Committee) and Bob Hogan (Selectman,
Veteran’s Affairs, Rotary Club).
John Middleton-Cox, performing arts director for Burlington
Public Schools, is an integral part of the program and attributes much of its
success to “an administration that has continued to fund the instruments,
equipment and facilities to ensure the teachers can do a great job.”
Middleton-Cox is committed to the ideal that the department
be open and accepting of all students, stating, “Every student has full access
and opportunity to participate. In my 14
years in Burlington I have seen the support and pride grow. We are thrilled to
have the national attention on this important topic and thank the NAMM
Foundation for the opportunity.”
The two-day residency is a result of the winning submission
by 2014 BHS graduate Pranav Menon illustrating “What Makes Music Education Great
in My School.” The video depicts performances from all levels of the town’s
music program accompanied by Menon’s commentary expressing how doubly blessed
the town is with a program that is not only well funded by the community but
also has teachers who will go the extra mile for students.
“90% of my high school highlight reel has its roots in the
music program,” states Menon, “colored by faculty members that not only foster
excellent musicians but help build character traits that are central to success
in any field, like confidence and dedication.”

The NAMM Foundation SupportMusic event will take place at Burlington High School on September 25 and 26. The community forum is open to the public and will be held in the Fogelberg Performing Arts Center. The live webcast will begin with special guest interviews promptly at 8:30 am followed by the panel discussion from 9-10 am. RSVP online by visiting NAMMFoundation.org. For more information, please phone 781-270-1860.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Week 1 ... Marching Band Season !!!!
Welcome (Back)!!!!!
I just wanted to let everyone know what to expect this 1st week of BHS Marching Band Season!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: All rehearsals and performances are MANDATORY so be sure your bandie has already spoken with Mr. Lovell or me regarding any conflicts for the season (Sept - Nov).
1. Full Rehearsals ... Tuesday & Thursday ... 2:15 - 3:15. Sectional Rehearsals (Dance/Guard/Percussion) ... Guard = Tues/Thurs 3:30-3:30, Dance = Tues/Thurs 3:15-4:15, Percussion = Tues 3:15-4:15 & Fri 2:15-3:15. This year's sectional schedules vary section to section so confirm with adviser and/or captains. Bandies need to arrange pickup ... no bus transport at end of rehearsal times.
3. Get those black shoes AND black socks ready for Friday night!!!! (National Music in Woburn Center has the official "marching shoe" but any low comfortable all black rubber soled shoe will work. Also, (winds and percussion) black socks ... CREW height ... No ankle or lower allowed!!
4. Speaking of FEET ... Band (2nd period) will be outside all season so have a change of shoes in band locker if you don't want shoes to get wet from grass during the mornings (marching in heels on grass is a tough one too)!!!
5. Sign up for snack items for any of the football games scheduled for the season ... click on ....http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050e44aca628a64-marching. You will receive email reminders so feel free to sign up now for the entire season.
6. Friday, September 5 ... at Burlington's Varsity Field ... lineup to march down to the field is at 6:25 pm so all bandies be at the Music Dept no later than 5:45. Parents, the game starts at 7:00 but come early to see the marching band perform pre-game (around 6:45).
Any questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks so much and see YOU under the lights this Friday night!!!
Faydeen Sateriale
Asst. Marching Band Director
Music Boosters President
Asst. Marching Band Director
Music Boosters President
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Band Camp Week 2 ...
Two weeks of Band Camp has come and gone at warp speed!!! It was a lot of work and a lot of fun ... a complete "blast"!! Hampton Beach was fun even if the sun didn't come out until we got back to Burlington High??!??!?! Huge "THANK YOU" to Mr & Mrs Pereria for the awesome homemade breakfast to go!!! So yummy and devoured by all!!!
Next up ... rehearsals Tues/Thurs 2:15-3:15 (dance/guard/percussion check with your adviser for sectional start/end times) starting first day of school ... Sept 2nd!!
First performance at home game vs Billerica under the lights Friday, Sept 5th. Get those black shoes/socks ready to go with the NEW SPECTACULAR UNIFORMS!!
Enjoy the last week off before school starts and see YOU soon!!!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Band Camp ... What to Expect Week 2!!!!
Hello Marching Band Parents (Band, Dance & Guard)!!Well Week 1 is done and it was GREAT!!!Once again, I would like to thank all who donated water and freeze pops for the bandies! The kids and staff are very grateful to have both during and after a sun-filled day out on the field. Still have a ton of both so none needed at this point.Here is what to expect for Week 2 ...1. Friday, August 22nd, is the Hampton Beach Trip. Please complete, sign and return permission form no later than Wednesday, the 20th. A hard copy of the form was given out to all bandies after dismissal Friday. If you need a copy please email me (faydeen83@gmail.com) and I'll zip one out to you. We need an accurate count for Wednesday to confirm how many buses are needed. No forms will be accepted Friday morning.2. The entrance driveway to BHS is being completed this week and there will not be any access off of Cambridge Street to the school Thursdayand Friday. So ... stay tuned ... for alternative instructions. Parking needs to be in the Faculty Parking Lot across from Cafeteria!3. Tuesday, August 19th, is Freshmen Orientation. All freshmen and mentors are excused from Band Camp that morning. They go directly to orientation at 9 am and they MUST check in with Alyssa Dew upon returning to Band Camp when orientation is over (between 10:30 and 11:00). This way they are sure to receive credit for the whole day and not be marked tardy or absent.4. Uniform Black Shoes (and black crew socks) .... every bandie (band, guard, dance) needs black shoes (and socks) to wear with his/her uniform. Our first performance is Friday, September 5th, at home vs Billerica!! If your bandie isn't sure what kind of shoes to get, please have them speak with their section leaders or captains.5. Last but definitely not least ... SUNSCREEN every day regardless of clouds or sun ... they need to have it with them to reapply after lunch!!!!!!!!We have a great group of kids this year!!!! Can't wait for you to see all the hard work they are putting into the halftime show on Sept 5th!!!!Faydeen SaterialeAsst. Marching Band Director& Music Booster President
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Hello Marching Band Parents (Band, Color Guard and Dance Squad) ...
The summer is flying by and Monday (August 11th) is when we kick off the Marching Band Season!!!
Band Camp ... August 11-15 & 18-22 ... 9 am (8:45 check in) - 3 pm
If parents could send a box of "unfrozen" freeze pops and/or 24pk of water ... that would be HUGE!!!
Dehydration is a major issue we work very hard keeping out of the band camp activities so your help is greatly appreciated!!!!
Just zip me an email (faydeen83@gmail.com) if you would like to contribute ... donations can be put on the long table in the music hall.
Now the Bandie Goes to Band Camp Check List ...
1. All Bandies need to report to the BHS Music Hall (with instruments and music) no later than 8:45 am to check in ... dropping off and (bandie) parking may vary over the course of the two weeks.
2. Bandies can be dropped off in the circle but bandies with cars should park in the staff parking lot up near the cafeteria ... a lot of pavement work is going on around BHS and we are not sure where the crews will be working over the next week or so. Stay tuned for email updates if there are any changes.
3. EAT BREAKFAST ... this is very important!!!
4. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes (hats help A LOT)
5. Sunscreen, Sunscreen .... SUNSCREEN!!!!!
6. Water, Water .... WATER!!!!!
7. There is an hour for lunch so bring a bagged lunch. Bandies are permitted to leave and come back but must be ready to get back in the swing at the 1 hour mark.
8. Dismissal and Pick-up is at 3:00. Bandies can be picked up in the circle if clear of paving equipment. Otherwise, pick up can be up further past the circle.
Please be sure to let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
The staff and leadership are looking forward to seeing everyone Monday Morning!!!!!!
Faydeen Sateriale
Asst. Marching Band Director
& Music Boosters President
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