Monday, August 30, 2010


Photos of band camp courtesy of Shirley Fong

The BHS Music Boosters are excited to begin a new school year supporting the music program at Burlington High School. There are lots of things in store this year. Following is the welcome back letter that will be sent to all music parents. We hope to see you all at the first Music Boosters general meeting on September 14 in the Band Room of the high school.

August 28, 2010

Dear Parents:

Welcome! As the parent or guardian of a student in the Burlington High School Marching Band or Chorus, you are an automatic member of the BHS Music Boosters Association. We invite you to participate in any or all of the activities of the Association. By doing so, you support the education and well-being of your high school students.

Those of you who are new to the high school will be excited to see that BHS offers an outstanding music program of concerts, musicals, banquets, parades, and other performances throughout the year. The BHS Music Boosters is committed to providing support, financial and otherwise, to the BHS music students, and to this program of events. Through our fundraising efforts, we are the only Burlington High School association to provide a scholarship to all marching band seniors, including dance squad and color guard members, that are going on to higher education.

Participation in the Boosters is a great way to be included behind the scenes in events that your child cares about! Parents carry water at parades, help with instruments and equipment at football games, bake, build or paint sets for the stage performances, help with publicity, sell balloons, and much more.

We desperately need participation in our general meetings to make and vote on decisions that affect your students – decisions that range from candy sales to scholarship amounts. There are five general meetings a year, they will be held the second Tuesday of every other month. The first general meeting will be held Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 7:30 PM in the band practice room. We encourage you to join us for this first meeting.

Enclosed you will find a copy of the BHS Music Boosters By Laws, the Music Department Schedule for school year 2010 - 2011, and directions to “away” football games and other events. Please note that due to construction on the Burlington Varsity Field, all home games will be played at Woburn High School. The attached schedule is current as of the current date and differs from the Band Schedule that was mailed over the summer. For the latest on the football schedule, go to: Through additional communication and email updates, we will do our best to keep you informed of current events and happenings. If you are not already receiving email announcements, please send your email address to me at or call at 781-272-8280.

A Contact Information/Volunteer Form is also enclosed. Please update your information and indicate the activities you would enjoy helping with. Please bring it to the first meeting, or mail it to the address provided.

Thanks to all in advance. We are looking forward to a great year!

Donna D. Gregorio
BHS Music Boosters President